Дата: Суббота, 20.09.2014, 15:55:12 | Сообщение # 1 |
Сообщений: 170
Репутация: -1 [ +/- ]
Привет, вот накопал плаг для мяса. В нем 4 модели рагдолов. Кто сможет переделать его чтобы моделей можно было добавить скажем 15, а так же вырезать кровь и все эффекты кроме самого взрыва кишков. Для контры 34 версии
Код #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools>
#pragma semicolon 1
public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "GoreX", author = "iGENIUS", version = "1.1.1" };
new Handle:gorex_blood_amount; new Handle:gorex_gib_effects; new Handle:gorex_count_head; new Handle:gorex_count_rib; new Handle:gorex_count_scapula; new Handle:gorex_count_spine; new Handle:gorex_bleed_effects; new Handle:gorex_health_to_bleed; new Handle:gorex_time_between_bleeding; new Handle:gorex_bleed_effects_amount; new Handle:gorex_remove_ragdoll; new Handle:gorex_gib_weapons; new Handle:gorex_bleed_loop; new Handle:gorex_blood_loop; new Handle:gorex_headshot_amount; new Handle:gorex_headshot_loop; new Handle:gorex_spray_effects;
new const String:gibs[4][128] = { "models/gibs/hgibs.mdl", "models/gibs/hgibs_rib.mdl", "models/gibs/hgibs_scapula.mdl", "models/gibs/hgibs_spine.mdl" };
public OnMapStart() for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(gibs); i++) PrecacheModel(gibs[i], true); public OnPluginStart() { CreateConVar("gorex", "1.1.1", "GoreX version", FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD|FCVAR_PLUGIN); gorex_blood_amount = CreateConVar("gorex_blood_amount", "10", "Amount of blood per squirt for spray effects."); gorex_gib_effects = CreateConVar("gorex_gib_effects", "1", "Enable exploding gib effects."); gorex_count_head = CreateConVar("gorex_count_head", "1", "Amount of head gibs."); gorex_count_rib = CreateConVar("gorex_count_rib", "4", "Amount of rib gibs."); gorex_count_scapula = CreateConVar("gorex_count_scapula", "3", "Amount of scapula gibs."); gorex_count_spine = CreateConVar("gorex_count_spine", "2", "Amount of spine gibs."); gorex_bleed_effects = CreateConVar("gorex_bleed_effects", "1", "Enable bleeding effects."); gorex_health_to_bleed = CreateConVar("gorex_health_to_bleed", "20", "Amount of health remaining to start bleeding at."); gorex_time_between_bleeding = CreateConVar("gorex_time_between_bleeding", "5", "Seconds between bleeding."); gorex_bleed_effects_amount = CreateConVar("gorex_bleed_effects_amount", "10", "Amount of blood per squirt used for bleeding effects."); gorex_remove_ragdoll = CreateConVar("gorex_remove_ragdoll", "1", "Enable removing of ragdoll for exploding gib effects."); gorex_gib_weapons = CreateConVar("gorex_gib_weapons", "hegrenade;frag_;riflegren_;bazooka;pschreck", "List of comma seperated weapons with which to gib for. It checks for the existence of each of these strings in the weapon name. Ex: weapon_hegrenade."); gorex_bleed_loop = CreateConVar("gorex_bleed_loop", "3", "Amount of squirts per bleed effect. (Reduce this if lag occurs.)"); gorex_blood_loop = CreateConVar("gorex_blood_loop", "5", "Amount of squirts per spray effect. (Reduce this if lag occurs.)"); gorex_headshot_amount = CreateConVar("gorex_headshot_amount", "10", "Amount of blood per squirt per head shot."); gorex_headshot_loop = CreateConVar("gorex_headshot_loop", "5", "Amount of blood squirts per head shot. (Reduce this if lag occurs.)"); gorex_spray_effects = CreateConVar("gorex_spray_effects", "1", "Enable blood spray effects."); AutoExecConfig(true, "gorex"); HookEvent("player_hurt", player_hurt); HookEvent("player_death", player_death); } public Action:player_hurt(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new id = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); if(GetConVarBool(gorex_bleed_effects) && GetEventInt(event, "health") <= GetConVarInt(gorex_health_to_bleed)) CreateTimer(float(GetConVarInt(gorex_time_between_bleeding)), bleed, id, TIMER_REPEAT|TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); if(!GetConVarBool(gorex_spray_effects)) return; new loop = GetConVarInt(gorex_blood_loop); new String:amount[32]; GetConVarString(gorex_blood_amount, amount, sizeof(amount)); if(GetEventInt(event, "hitgroup") == 1) { loop = GetConVarInt(gorex_headshot_loop); GetConVarString(gorex_headshot_amount, amount, sizeof(amount)); } for(new i = 0; i < loop; i++) env_blood(amount, 1|4|20|40, id); }
public Action:bleed(Handle:timer, any:id) { if(!IsClientInGame(id) || !IsPlayerAlive(id) || GetClientHealth(id) > GetConVarInt(gorex_health_to_bleed)) return Plugin_Stop; new String:amount[32]; GetConVarString(gorex_bleed_effects_amount, amount, sizeof(amount)); for(new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt(gorex_bleed_loop); i++) env_blood(amount, 1|4|40, id); return Plugin_Continue; }
env_blood(const String:amount[], spawnflags, id) { new blood = CreateEntityByName("env_blood"); if(blood == -1) return; DispatchKeyValue(blood, "amount", amount); SetEntProp(blood, Prop_Data, "m_spawnflags", spawnflags); new Float:origin[3]; GetClientAbsOrigin(id, origin); origin[2] += 35.0; DispatchKeyValueVector(blood, "origin", origin); AcceptEntityInput(blood, "emitblood"); AcceptEntityInput(blood, "kill"); }
public Action:player_death(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new id = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); new ragdoll = GetEntPropEnt(id, Prop_Send, "m_hRagdoll"); if(IsPlayerAlive(id) || !GetConVarBool(gorex_gib_effects)) return; new String:text[32]; GetConVarString(gorex_gib_weapons, text, sizeof(text)); new String:buffer[32][128]; ExplodeString(text, ";", buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(buffer[])); new String:weapon[32]; GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon)); new bool:shouldgib; for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(buffer); i++) if(StrEqual(weapon, buffer[i])) { // PrintToChatAll("weapon: %s", buffer[i]); shouldgib = true; break; } if(GetEventBool(event, "headshot") || shouldgib) { // PrintToChatAll("shouldgib: %i", shouldgib); if(!GetConVarBool(gorex_spray_effects)) { new String:amount[32]; GetConVarString(gorex_blood_amount, amount, sizeof(amount)); for(new i = 0; i < GetConVarInt(gorex_blood_loop); i++) env_blood(amount, 1|4|20|40, id); } new gib = -1; new String:ent[64]; Format(ent, sizeof(ent), "%i_gib", id); if(ragdoll != -1 && GetConVarBool(gorex_remove_ragdoll)) AcceptEntityInput(ragdoll, "kill"); while((gib = FindEntityByClassname(gib, "prop_physics")) != -1) { new String:tmp[64]; GetEntPropString(gib, Prop_Data, "m_iName", tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if(StrEqual(tmp, ent)) AcceptEntityInput(gib, "kill"); } new amount; for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(gibs); i++) { switch(i) { case 0: amount = GetConVarInt(gorex_count_head); case 1: amount = GetConVarInt(gorex_count_rib); case 2: amount = GetConVarInt(gorex_count_scapula); case 3: amount = GetConVarInt(gorex_count_spine); } if(!amount) return; for(i = 0; i < amount; i++) { gib = CreateEntityByName("prop_physics"); if(gib == -1) return; DispatchKeyValue(gib, "targetname", ent); DispatchKeyValue(gib, "model", gibs[i]); SetEntProp(gib, Prop_Data, "m_spawnflags", 4|8192|1048576); new Float:origin[3]; GetClientAbsOrigin(id, origin); new Float:vel[3]; vel[0] = GetRandomFloat(-200.0, 300.0); vel[1] = GetRandomFloat(-200.0, 300.0); vel[2] = GetRandomFloat(-200.0, 300.0); DispatchSpawn(gib); TeleportEntity(gib, origin, NULL_VECTOR, vel); } } } }
Добавлено (20.09.2014, 15:55:12) --------------------------------------------- Почему когда я добавляю Код new const String:gibs[5][128] = { "models/gibs/hgibs.mdl", "models/gibs/hgibs_02.mdl", "models/gibs/hgibs_rib.mdl", "models/gibs/hgibs_scapula.mdl", "models/gibs/hgibs_spine.mdl" };
Плагин крашит сервер, а в логах пусто.
Сообщение отредактировал WOW_NAMES - Суббота, 20.09.2014, 15:56:00 |
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