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Не удается подключиться к SQL
scorpion2904 Дата: Четверг, 22.11.2012, 18:47:08 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 68
Репутация: 5 [ +/- ]
При загрузке плагина пишет "Установлено SQLite соединение", а при заходе игрока "Не удалось установить SQL соединение"

Вот databases.cfg

   "driver"   "sqlite"
   "host"    "localhost"
   "database"   "test"
   "user"    "root"
   "pass"    ""


#include <sourcemod>  

new Handle:g_SQL = INVALID_HANDLE, bool:MYSQL;  

public OnPluginStart()  
      if (!SQL_CheckConfig("test"))  
          SetFailState("Секция \"test\" не найдена в databases.cfg");  

      decl String:error[256];  
      g_SQL = SQL_Connect("test", true, error, 256);  
      if (g_SQL == INVALID_HANDLE)  
          SetFailState("Не удалось установить SQL соединение");  

      // тип соединения (mysql или sqlite)  
      new String:driver[15]; SQL_ReadDriver(g_SQL, driver, 15);  
      MYSQL = StrEqual(driver, "mysql", false);  
      LogMessage("Установлено %s соединение", MYSQL ? "MYSQL" : "SQLite");  
public OnClientPutInServer(client)  
  decl String:steamid[28];  
     if (!GetClientAuthString(client, steamid, 28))  
         KickClient(client, "Не удалось определить ваш SteamID (1)");  
     decl String:zapros[125];  
     Format(zapros, 125, "SELECT `status` FROM `my_tab` WHERE `my_steamid` = '%s' LIMIT 1", steamid);  
     SQL_TQuery(g_SQL, wS_OnClientPutInServer_CallBack, zapros, GetClientUserId(client));  

public wS_OnClientPutInServer_CallBack(Handle:owner, Handle:result, const String:error[], any:userid)  
     // игрок успел выйти, стоп (wtf)  
     new client = GetClientOfUserId(userid);  
     if (client < 1) return;  

     if (result == INVALID_HANDLE)  
         PrintToServer("Не удалось установить SQL соединение");

     if (!SQL_FetchRow(result))  
   PrintToServer("Вашего SteamID нет в таблице 'my_tab'");  

     if (SQL_FetchInt(result, 0) == 1)  
   PrintToServer("Вы отключены (status = 1)");  

     // Разрешаем играть и обновляем status на 1  
     decl String:steamid[28];  
     if (!GetClientAuthString(client, steamid, 28))  
   PrintToServer("Не удалось определить ваш SteamID (2)");  

     decl String:zapros[125];  
     Format(zapros, 125, "UPDATE `my_tab` SET `status` = 1 WHERE `my_steamid` = '%s'", steamid);  
     SQL_TQuery(g_SQL, SQL_CallBack, zapros);  

public SQL_CallBack(Handle:owner, Handle:result, const String:error[], any:data)  
     if (result == INVALID_HANDLE) LogError(error);  
Beelzebub Дата: Пятница, 23.11.2012, 17:22:40 | Сообщение # 2
Сообщений: 202
Репутация: 13 [ +/- ]
Эм подключение к sql ведь по другому идет.

   "driver"   "sqlite"
   "database"   "test_sql"

попробуй так.
То что ты втыкал в database это подключение к mysql.
scorpion2904 Дата: Пятница, 23.11.2012, 18:03:24 | Сообщение # 3
Сообщений: 68
Репутация: 5 [ +/- ]
Ок ща попробую

Добавлено (23.11.2012, 18:03:24)
Ниче не изменилось

Beelzebub Дата: Пятница, 23.11.2012, 18:40:23 | Сообщение # 4
Сообщений: 202
Репутация: 13 [ +/- ]
Эм, тогда у тебя ручки кривые :)
scorpion2904 Дата: Пятница, 23.11.2012, 19:30:46 | Сообщение # 5
Сообщений: 68
Репутация: 5 [ +/- ]
В самом коде не может быть ошибки?

Добавлено (23.11.2012, 19:30:46)
Судя по урокам Ws в databases.cfg нет ошибок

Beelzebub Дата: Суббота, 24.11.2012, 13:03:00 | Сообщение # 6
Сообщений: 202
Репутация: 13 [ +/- ]
#pragma semicolon 1
#include <sourcemod>

new Handle:db = INVALID_HANDLE;

public OnPluginStart() {
  decl String:error[256];
  if(SQL_CheckConfig("reg")) {
   db = SQL_Connect("reg", true, error, sizeof(error));
  } else {
   SetFailState("Didn't find database.");
  if(db==INVALID_HANDLE) {
   SetFailState("Could not connect to database: %s", error);

public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client) {
  decl String:query[256], String:steamid[32];
  GetClientAuthString(client, steamid, sizeof(steamid));
  Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT id_member FROM smf_members WHERE steamid = '%s'");
  SQL_TQuery(db, SQLQueryID, query, GetClientUserId(client));

public SQLQueryID(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) {
  if(!StrEqual("", error)) {
   LogError("Query failed: %s", error);
  new client = GetClientOfUserId(data);
  if(!client) {
  decl String:query[256];
  Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT end_time FROM smf_log_subscribed WHERE id_member = %i AND status = 1", SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 0));
  SQL_TQuery(db, SQLQuerySubscription, query, GetClientUserId(client));

public SQLQuerySubscription(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) {
  if(!StrEqual("", error)) {
   LogError("Query failed: %s", error);
  new client = GetClientOfUserId(data);
  if(!client) {
  new remain = SQL_FetchInt(hndl, 0) - GetTime();
  if(remain < 0) {
  SetUserFlagBits(client, GetUserFlagBits(client) | ADMFLAG_RESERVATION);

    "driver"   "sqlite"  
    "database"   "reg_sql"  

Это SQL. Попробуй.

Добавлено (24.11.2012, 13:03:00)
Вот нашел в инете какую то штуку :)

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0"
#define SQLSIZE_MAX 8192
new Handle:db;   /** Database connection */

public OnPluginStart()
  RegAdminCmd("sql_query", Command_SQL, ReadFlagString("z"), "dispatch sql query");
  RegAdminCmd("sql_connect_sqlite", Command_Connect, ReadFlagString("z"), "connect to local sqlite database");
  RegAdminCmd("sql_connect_section", Command_ConnectSect, ReadFlagString("z"), "connect to db listed in configs/databases.cfg");
  RegAdminCmd("sql_connect_custom", Command_ConnectCust, ReadFlagString("z"), "connect with custom settings");
  RegAdminCmd("sql_disconnect", Command_Disconnect, ReadFlagString("z"), "disconnect");
  CreateConVar("SQLQueries_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "SQLQueries version string", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_DONTRECORD);
public Action:Command_ConnectCust(client,args)
  if(args != 6)
   ReplyToCommand(client, "usage: sql_connect_custom <dbtype(sqlite|mysql)> <\"hostname/ip\"> <\"database\"> <\"username\"> <\"password\"> <\"port\">");
   return Plugin_Handled;
  new String:Settings[6][255];
  for(new i=0;i<6;i++)
   GetCmdArg((i+1), Settings[i], 255);
  if(!StrEqual(Settings[0],"sqlite",true) && !StrEqual(Settings[0],"mysql",true))
   ReplyToCommand(client, "<dbtype> must be \"sqlite\" or \"mysql\" , all lowercase");
   return Plugin_Handled;
  new String:error[255],Handle:h_kv = CreateKeyValues("");
  KvSetString(h_kv, "driver",Settings[0]);
  KvSetString(h_kv, "host",Settings[1]);
  KvSetString(h_kv, "database",Settings[2]);
  KvSetString(h_kv, "user",Settings[3]);
  KvSetString(h_kv, "pass",Settings[4]);
  KvSetString(h_kv, "port",Settings[5]);
  if(db != INVALID_HANDLE)
  db = SQL_ConnectCustom(h_kv, error, sizeof(error), true);
  if (db == INVALID_HANDLE)
   ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to connect to %s: %s", Settings[1],error);
   decl String:query[SQLSIZE_MAX];
   Format(query, sizeof(query), "SET NAMES 'utf8'");
   if (!SQL_FastQuery(db, query))
    ReplyToCommand(client, "Can't select character set (%s)", query);
   ReplyToCommand(client, "DatabaseInit *%s* (CONNECTED) with %s", Settings[0], Settings[1]);
    Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT SQLITE_VERSION()");
    SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, query,(client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
    Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT name as Tables FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name");
    SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, query,(client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
    Format(query, sizeof(query), "select version()");
    SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, query,(client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
    Format(query, sizeof(query), "show tables");
    SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, query,(client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
  return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:Command_ConnectSect(client,args)
  if(args == 0)
   ReplyToCommand(client, "usage: sql_connect_section <\"databases.cfg section\">");
   return Plugin_Handled;
  decl String:Sect[255];
  if (SQL_CheckConfig(Sect))
   if(db != INVALID_HANDLE)
   new String:error[255];
   db = SQL_Connect(Sect,true,error, sizeof(error));
   if (db == INVALID_HANDLE)
    ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to connect to '%s': %s", Sect, error);
    decl String:query[SQLSIZE_MAX];
    Format(query, sizeof(query), "SET NAMES 'utf8'");
    if (!SQL_FastQuery(db, query))
     ReplyToCommand(client, "Can't select character set (%s)", query);
    new String:ProdName[255];
    SQL_ReadDriver(db, ProdName, sizeof(ProdName));
    ReplyToCommand(client, "DatabaseInit *%s* (CONNECTED) with db config %s", ProdName, Sect);
     Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT SQLITE_VERSION()");
     SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, query,(client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
     Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT name as Tables FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name");
     SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, query,(client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
     Format(query, sizeof(query), "select version()");
     SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, query,(client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
     Format(query, sizeof(query), "show tables");
     SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, query,(client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
   ReplyToCommand(client, "db section %s not found", Sect);
  return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_Disconnect(client,args)
  if(db != INVALID_HANDLE)
public Action:Command_SQL(client, args)
  if(db == INVALID_HANDLE)
   ReplyToCommand(client, "No DB connection");
   if(args != 1)
    ReplyToCommand(client, "Encase the sql query with quotation marks");
    return Plugin_Handled;
   decl String:buffer[SQLSIZE_MAX];
   buffer[0] = 0;
   GetCmdArg(1, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
   SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, buffer, (client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
  return Plugin_Handled;
public Action:Command_Connect(client,args)
  if(args == 0)
   ReplyToCommand(client, "usage: sql_connect_sqlite <\"dbname\"> <CreateIfNonExistant - 1|0 - default:0>");
   return Plugin_Handled;
  new String:dbname[64], String:Create[64], iCreate = 0;
  GetCmdArg(1, dbname, sizeof(dbname));
  if(args == 2)
   GetCmdArg(2, Create, sizeof(Create));
   iCreate = StringToInt(Create);
  if(iCreate == 0)
   new String:dbPath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
    ReplyToCommand(client, "Database does not exist. If you want to create it, type: sqlite_connect \"%s\" 1",dbname);
    return Plugin_Handled;

  if(db != INVALID_HANDLE)

  new String:error[255];
  new Handle:h_kv = CreateKeyValues("");
  KvSetString(h_kv, "driver", "sqlite");
  KvSetString(h_kv, "database", dbname);
  db = SQL_ConnectCustom(h_kv, error, sizeof(error), true);
  if (db == INVALID_HANDLE)
   ReplyToCommand(client, "Failed to create sqlite db connection: %s", error);
   decl String:query[SQLSIZE_MAX];
   Format(query, sizeof(query), "SET NAMES 'utf8'");
   if (!SQL_FastQuery(db, query))
    ReplyToCommand(client, "Can't select character set (%s)", query);
   ReplyToCommand(client, "DatabaseInit SQLLITE (CONNECTED)");
   Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT SQLITE_VERSION()");
   SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, query,(client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
   Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT name as Tables FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name");
   SQL_TQuery(db, query_callback, query,(client != 0)?GetClientUserId(client):0);
  return Plugin_Handled;

public query_callback(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data)
  new client = GetClientOfUserId(data);
  if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE)
   ReplyCust(client, "Query failed! %s", error);
    ReplyCust(client,"Affected rows: %i",SQL_GetAffectedRows(db));    //why doesn't hndl work for GetAffectedRows?
    //if (!SQL_GetRowCount(hndl))
    //    ReplyCust(client,"Query didn't produce any matches (0 rows returned)");
    new fcount = (SQL_GetFieldCount(hndl)-1);
    decl String:Buffer[255], String:Output[1024];
    Output[0] = 0;
    for(new i=0;i<=fcount;i++)
     SQL_FieldNumToName(hndl, i, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));
     StrCat(Output, sizeof(Output), Buffer);
     if(i < fcount)
      StrCat(Output, sizeof(Output), "|");
    ReplyCust(client, Output);
    new Headerlen = strlen(Output);
    for(new i=0;i<Headerlen;i++)
     Output[i] = 45;
    ReplyCust(client, Output);
     Output[0] = 0;
     for(new i=0;i<=fcount;i++)
      new DBResult:Result;
      SQL_FetchString(hndl, i, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), Result);
       case DBVal_Null:
        StrCat(Output, sizeof(Output), "*NULL*");
       case DBVal_Data:
        StrCat(Output, sizeof(Output), Buffer);
       case DBVal_Error:
        StrCat(Output, sizeof(Output), "*INVALID IDX*");
       case DBVal_TypeMismatch:
        StrCat(Output, sizeof(Output), "*TYPE MISMATCH*");
      if(i < fcount)
       StrCat(Output, sizeof(Output), "|");
     ReplyCust(client, Output);

ReplyCust(client, String:Reply[], any:...)
  decl String:bReply[SQLSIZE_MAX];
  if(client == 0)
  VFormat(bReply, sizeof(bReply), Reply, 3);
  if(client == 0)
   PrintToConsole(client, bReply);
   PrintToChat(client, bReply);
Sunday Дата: Суббота, 24.11.2012, 13:35:02 | Сообщение # 7
Сообщений: 186
Репутация: 24 [ +/- ]
Привет, у тебя в коде маленькая ошибка:

    if (!SQL_FetchRow(result))
      PintToServer("Вашего SteamID нет в таблице 'my_tab'");

Поправь, PintToServer на PrintToServer. :

L 11/24/2012 - 16:31:24: -------- Mapchange to dm_runoff --------
L 11/24/2012 - 16:31:24: [msql.smx] Установлено SQLite соединение

еще можно добавить:
public OnClientPutInServer(client)
// Если это бот, стоп
if (IsFakeClient(client)) return;

Сообщение отредактировал Sunday - Суббота, 24.11.2012, 15:09:53
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