Дата: Суббота, 26.10.2013, 16:07:59 | Сообщение # 1 |
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Дайте код простенького эффекта,в SourcePawn полный 0)
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Дата: Суббота, 26.10.2013, 21:47:18 | Сообщение # 2 |
Сообщений: 92
Репутация: -9 [ +/- ]
Вот глянь нарыл чета может сгодится???
Код /* Special Effects This Will Give Grenade Explosions And Bullet Impacts Cool Fx Avalailable Effects: 1. Sparks 2. Glow Effect 3. Energy Splash */
#include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools>
#define VERSION "0.2"
new Handle:gSwitch; new Handle:HeNade; new Handle:Smoke; new Handle:Flash; new Handle:Slug; new Float:Origin[3]; new Glow;
public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Special Effects", author = "Peoples Army", description = "Gives Special Effects ", version = VERSION, url = "www.sourcemod.net" };
// set cvars and hook nade detonation events
public OnMapStart() { Glow = PrecacheModel("sprites/blueglow1.vmt"); }
public OnPluginStart() { gSwitch = CreateConVar("nade_fx_on","1","1 tuns the plugin on 0 is off",FCVAR_NOTIFY); HeNade = CreateConVar("he_nade_fx","1","Sets The Mode Of The HE Fx",FCVAR_NOTIFY); Smoke = CreateConVar("sg_nade_fx","1","sets The Mode Of The Smoke Nade",FCVAR_NOTIFY); Flash = CreateConVar("fb_nade_fx","1","sets the mode of the flash bang",FCVAR_NOTIFY); Slug = CreateConVar("slug_fx","1","sets the mode of the slug fx",FCVAR_NOTIFY); HookEvent("hegrenade_detonate",HeExplode); HookEvent("flashbang_detonate",FbExplode); HookEvent("smokegrenade_detonate",SgExplode); HookEvent("bullet_impact",SlugImpact); }
// catch the x,y,and z of the he nade and do effects based on convar
public HeExplode(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) { if(GetConVarInt(gSwitch)) { Origin[0] = GetEventFloat(event,"x"); Origin[1] = GetEventFloat(event,"y"); Origin[2] = GetEventFloat(event,"z"); if(GetConVarInt(HeNade)== 1) { TE_SetupSparks(Origin,Origin,255,1); TE_SendToAll(); }else if( GetConVarInt(HeNade)== 2) { TE_SetupGlowSprite(Origin,Glow,1.0,1.0,20); TE_SendToAll(); }else if (GetConVarInt(HeNade)== 3) { TE_SetupEnergySplash(Origin,Origin,false); TE_SendToAll(); } } }
// catch x,y,z of the flashbang nade and do effects based on convar
public FbExplode(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) { if(GetConVarInt(gSwitch)) { Origin[0] = GetEventFloat(event,"x"); Origin[1] = GetEventFloat(event,"y"); Origin[2] = GetEventFloat(event,"z"); if(GetConVarInt(Flash)== 1) { TE_SetupSparks(Origin,Origin,255,1); TE_SendToAll(); }else if( GetConVarInt(Flash)== 2) { TE_SetupGlowSprite(Origin,Glow,1.0,1.0,20); TE_SendToAll(); }else if (GetConVarInt(Flash)== 3) { TE_SetupEnergySplash(Origin,Origin,false); TE_SendToAll(); } } }
// catch x,y,z of the smoke nade and do effects based on cvar
public SgExplode(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) { if(GetConVarInt(gSwitch)) { Origin[0] = GetEventFloat(event,"x"); Origin[1] = GetEventFloat(event,"y"); Origin[2] = GetEventFloat(event,"z"); if(GetConVarInt(Smoke)== 1) { TE_SetupSparks(Origin,Origin,255,1); TE_SendToAll(); }else if( GetConVarInt(Smoke)== 2) { TE_SetupGlowSprite(Origin,Glow,1.0,1.0,20); TE_SendToAll(); }else if (GetConVarInt(Smoke)== 3) { TE_SetupEnergySplash(Origin,Origin,false); TE_SendToAll(); } } }
// catch x,y,z of the bullet impact and do effects based on cvar
public SlugImpact(Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) { if(GetConVarInt(gSwitch)) { Origin[0] = GetEventFloat(event,"x"); Origin[1] = GetEventFloat(event,"y"); Origin[2] = GetEventFloat(event,"z"); if(GetConVarInt(Slug)== 1) { TE_SetupSparks(Origin,Origin,255,1); TE_SendToAll(); }else if( GetConVarInt(Slug)== 2) { TE_SetupGlowSprite(Origin,Glow,1.0,1.0,20); TE_SendToAll(); }else if (GetConVarInt(Slug)== 3) { TE_SetupEnergySplash(Origin,Origin,false); TE_SendToAll(); } } }
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