Effect flags

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A set of bitflags for configuring client-side visual effects.

Usage From Hammer

Effect flags can be configured from Hammer. To do so, turn off SmartEdit and add a new keyvalue pair:

effects <n>

"n" is the sum total of the flags you want to use. For example, 66 would mean EF_BRIGHTLIGHT and EF_NORECEIVESHADOW.

Alternatively, you can add the following code (or similar) to the FGD entries of entities you wish to use effect flags on:

effects(choices) : "Effect Flags" : 0 : "For configuring visual effects. If you want to combine effects, simply type in the sum of the effect numbers, e.g., '72' for 64+8." =
	0: "None"
	1: "Bonemerge always (very expensive!)"
	2: "Bright, dynamic light at entity origin"
	4: "Dim, dynamic light at entity origin"
	8: "No movement interpolation"
	16: "Don't cast shadows"
	32: "Don't draw entity (entity is fully ignored by clients, NOT server; can cause collision problems)"
	64: "Don't receive dynamic shadows"
	128: "Bonemerge only in PVS, better performance but prone to disappearing. Use with Bonemerge."
	256: "Unsubtle blink"
	512: "Flag parent as always animating and realign each frame"

If you wish to use effect flags on enough entity classes, it may be worthwhile to create or modify a BaseClass instead of adding code to numerous entity classes individually.

Tip.pngTip:Effect flags are enabled by default in TeamSpen's Hammer Addons TeamSpen's Hammer Addons.


1 - EF_BONEMERGE:Merges bones of names shared with a parent entity to the position and direction of the parent's.
2 - EF_BRIGHTLIGHT:Emits a dynamic light of RGB(250,250,250) and a random radius of 400 to 431 from the origin.
4 - EF_DIMLIGHT:Emits a dynamic light of RGB(100,100,100) and a random radius of 200 to 231 from the origin.
Don't interpolate on the next frame.
Warning.pngWarning:Causes crashes.
16 - EF_NOSHADOW:Don't create a render-to-texture shadow, does not affect projected texture shadows.
Note.pngNote:Same as disableshadows 1.
32 - EF_NODRAW:Entity is completely ignored by the client, and stops drawing the entity. Can cause prediction errors if a player proceeds to collide with it on the server, so use rendermode 10 instead if this is a problem.
Don't receive dynamic shadows.
Note.pngNote:Same as disablereceiveshadows 1.
128 - EF_BONEMERGE_FASTCULL:For use with EF_BONEMERGE. If set, the entity will use its parent's origin to calculate whether it is visible; if not set, it will set up parent's bones every frame even if the parent is not in the PVS.
256 - EF_ITEM_BLINK:Blink an item so that the user notices it. Added for original Xbox, and not very subtle.
512 - EF_PARENT_ANIMATES:Assume that the parent entity is always animating. Causes it to realign every frame.
Note.pngNote:Does not function with the effects keyvalue.
Marks the entity to render in fast water reflections.
Note.pngNote:Same as drawinfastreflection 1.
Stops env_cascade_lighting and env_projectedtexture from making shadows for this entity.
Note.pngNote:Same as disableshadowdepth 1.
Don't cache this entity into shadow depthmaps, update it every frame.
Stops projected textures from making shadows for this entity.
Note.pngNote:Same as disableflashlight 1.
16384 - EF_NOCSM (in all games since Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
Don't cast shadows from cascade shadow maps.


  • AddEFlags() / SetEFlags()
  • RemoveEFlags()
  • GetEFlags()
  • IsEFlagSet()

See also